Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rejuvenated and House!

I had a great three day weekend. Well, I still had a couple of clients on Saturday, but I was done by noon. There were a bunch of errands to run, but overall, I feel much better. 

For about the last month, I've been pushing myself really hard, to the point that I could have easily gone to sleep at 7 or 7:30 each night, but I haven't been able to pull that off until this weekend. I think I crashed out at 7:30pm on Saturday night and woke up around 6am. Yay! And then yesterday, we just sat around, did a little cleaning, and otherwise took it easy all day long. So nice! I feel ready to jump back into the crazy schedule. I really enjoyed this downtime and hope to have more soon.

I must say, it's been a good experience staying with our friends, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to close on our house soon. It looks like we may be able to close next week! I'm super tempted to pay professional movers to pull our stuff out of storage while I'm at work, so I can come home to a house with all furniture ready to go. :) My wife may be less enthused at that idea since she's the one that would have to watch Jackson and supervise the process, but I still may be able to pull off something like it just so we can get in faster.

One big advantage of this whole fiasco is that we will go two full months without paying rent/mortgage! That will allow us to get financially ahead of where we need to be by the end of the year when the new baby comes. We think it might be a girl, and are considering the name Sarah. We shall see. :)

Current mood: good

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