Wednesday, March 28, 2012


OK, so it wasn't quiiiiite a dream about Terminators. IRL, I've begun taking the Dale Carnegie course on communication, and Monday night was my first class. When I got home that evening, I dreamed I was in the class with Linda Hamilton, who was the original Sarah Connor (and also Chuck's mom in the TV show Chuck, but that's not relevant - interesting, but not relevant), and for some reason, the two of us were standing in front of the class acting out some scene from the Sarah Connor Chronicles. 

I should note that while I've heard it was an excellent show, I've never seen a single episode, though I know a little bit about it.

The scene we were playing was with me being John Connor and her being Sarah (natch). I was telling her that I wanted my own Terminator to help me out! She said some other line (something like, "Yes, and here comes one now!" though I can't recall exactly what it was) and looked around, obviously expecting something to happen. Nothing did. So she said it again, looking around again, and still nothing. She said it a third time, and now everyone in the class is looking around, wondering what is going to come next, when Summer Glau, who played a terminator in the show (and also the part of River Tam in Firefly - both shows died an early death, sadly, but that's not relevant - interesting, but not relevant) ran in. She had short hair (like almost a pixie cut) and was apologizing for not running in earlier, but something had prevented her. Everyone cheered and clapped, and I found out it was all a setup for Summer to meet the class, with only Linda being in on it.

So, not quite as epic as my last dream, but funny and interesting and cool. Maybe now that I am trying to record my dreams, my mind is retaining them better? 

Current mood: Amused

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